Monday, December 31, 2007

Energy combined cycle

Combined cycle from GE Energy

GER3767c -- Single-Shaft Combined-Cycle Power Generation System

GER3936a -- Advanced Technology Combined Cycles
GER3430f -- Cogeneration Application Considerations
GER4206 -- Combined Cycle Development, Evolution and Future
GER4200 -- Economic and Technical Considerations for Combined Cycle Performance-Enhancement Options
GER3636a -- Experience with Compressed Air Cleaning of Main Steam Piping
GER3651d -- GE Combined Cycle Experience
GER3574g -- GE Combined Cycle Product Line and Performance
GER4207 -- GE IGCC Technology and Experience with Advanced Gas Turbines
GER4219 -- IGCC Gas Turbines for Refinery Applications
GER3952a -- Operation and Maintenance Strategies to Enhance Plant Profitability
GER3935b -- Power Systems for the 21st Century: “H” Gas Turbine Combined Cycles
GER4201 -- Structured Steam Turbines for the Combined Cycle Market


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